Point Munning

Point Munning is part of a 47 hectare conservation covenant owned by the Muirson family, where access is provided for the public to observe a seal “haulout” or “rookery” in action. The stunning schist rock formations host an abundance of seals, all year round.
The Chatham Islands are rich in marine mammal diversity with five seal and 25 whale and dolphin species reported around the islands.
According to the Department of Conservation;
“The New Zealand fur seal is the most common seal species found on the Chatham Islands.
The other fur seal haulouts or rookeries are located at nearby Te Whakaru, Tupuangi-Moana reef, Forty Fours, The Sisters, Rangatira Island, The Pyramid, Star Keys and the Eastern Reef
The four other seal species reported on the Chatham Islands are only rare or occasional visitors. They include the New Zealand sea lion, leopard seals, Southern elephant seals and subantarctic fur seals.”
Chatham Islands marine mammals (doc.govt.nz)
This area is also excellent for bird watching.
Pitt Island shags also breed at Point Munning and during the summer, migrant turnstones and banded dotterels can be seen here along with other seabirds..
This attraction is on private land and access requires permission beforehand and payment of an entry fee. This is very important, especially on farms, for management and health and safety.
Muirson family
Ph: 03 3050 022
Email: muirsonfish@ruralinzone.net