There are a number of ways that you could book your trip to the Chatham Islands.

What is most important though, is that you do it.
Flights: If you want to book flights, accommodation and activities separately, then start by either contacting your travel agent. Ask them to book flights for you with Air Chathams, or contact Air Chathams yourself and arrange your own flight bookings directly, here >>>>>>>>
Package deals and tours: This is the most convenient and easiest way to organise your Chatham Island holiday, as all of the logistical work is done for you. Package deals can include a combination of return airfares, on-island transport, transfers, accommodation and meals, as well as access to most attractions. Book your package tour through the inbound tour operators listed here >>>>>>> or through the accommodation providers listed below.
Hotel Chatham
Awarakau Lodge
Flowerpot Bay Lodge
Accommodation: The Chathams boasts a good range of accommodation types. From the hotel and luxurious lodges, to backpacker, homestay and motel lodgings. All are family friendly and most cater to groups.
Transportation. The main island is quite large and some sort of transport will be required. Visitors on package tours will have most of their on-island transport provided for them. Those who have organised their own holiday will need to have access to a vehicle to be able to travel to all the attractions.
Some of the following accommodation providers have rental vehicles available. (Ask when inquiring about accommodation options).>>>>>>>